Washington Gladden realized that the Christian Gospel had a social dimension as well as a personal devotional dimension, and he gave vigorous witness to both during his long productive career as a Congregational minister, social activist and advocate of social reform. The purpose of the Washington Gladden Society is to honor his memory by applying the insights of the Social Gospel Movement to the important, controversial ethical and theological issues of our own times, and serving as a forum for discussion among Christians and local Churches in the Congregational tradition.
A further purpose of the Washington Gladden Society is to be a source of information and education on contemporary topics of social concern through seminars, and by providing bibliographies and study guides for discussion groups in local churches.
Membership in the Washington Gladden Society is open to all persons interested in the history and legacy of the Social Gospel Movement and who contribute $20 each year to support the activities of the Society. Members receive summaries of presentations by lecturers and bibliographies for further reading from annual Society meetings.
Meetings of the Washington Gladden Society are held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches which can be contacted at 1-800-262-1620 or naccc@naccc.org
If you want to learn more about the Washington Gladden Society, or want to participate by becoming a member, you can contact any of its officers, or the office of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.
Norman Erlendson, President
Jamie Green, Vice President
William C. Lang, Treasurer
Angie Erlendson, Web Site Designer